Changing Ways

Changing Ways challenges the roots of gender-based violence through prevention, education, collection action, and building hope.

London-Middlesex | St. Thomas-Elgin | Chatham-Kent

(519) 438-9869 |


We Can Help!

We provide alternatives for those wishing to end and take responsibility for their abusive behaviour. We help men and women who are emotionally, psychologically, verbally, sexually and/or physically abusive towards their partners.

  • Once you have made the choice to abuse you will forever have the potential. A weekly meeting is a constant reminder of who I never want to be again. If I feel like I am slipping I have support to remind me abuse is a choice you don’t have to choose.
    — Program Participant
  • Changing Ways has changed me completely. I now see someone of value in the mirror and I don’t put down my partner or hurt my family to make myself feel better.
    — Program Participant
  • Changing Ways encourages me to become accountable and responsible for the abuse I have used without ever feeling judged. I have a safety plan in place in order to avoid continuing to hurt my family. I strongly feel there is hope for me and I didn’t feel that before.
    — Program Participant
  • When I looked up services online for the issues I was having, this group was the only one that met the needs I was having. This group gives me hope for a better future, of a different way of living, I feel supported by other men in the group and being here has shown me that there is another way to live-abuse free and not always having to be in control of everyone and everything. I feel I understood, supported and not as crazy.
    — Program Participant
  • I used to blame others for my issues, now I can look at myself and focus on what I did, do, and can do to be a different person. I take the focus off others by stopping my blame and minimizing and I truly believe I can only focus on what I can do to lead a different way. Without this group I truly do not know where I would be in my life.
    — Program Participant
  • I’ve been to counsellors many times before- but for the wrong reason. It can’t be to fix us. What I hear in this group from peers- gives me plenty to reflect on-internalize- and grow from. It is helping me change my way. Thank you Changing Ways.
    — Program Participant
  • He thinks about his behaviour and actions more. We no longer argue over silly things. He is aware of what triggers his anger. Caring Dads made him realise the relationship he could have with his child.
    — Ex-partner post program
  • I’ve been to counsellors many times before- but for the wrong reason. It can’t be to fix us. What I hear in this group from peers- gives me plenty to reflect on-internalize- and grow from. It is helping me change my way. Thank you Changing Ways.
    — Program Participant
  • And his kids, whereas before they were very kind of distant from him, every time they see him now they run up to him and jump on him and it’s, ‘Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!’ all this kind of stuff, so they’re pleased to see him, they feel that they can talk to him.
    — Caring Dads Group facilitator
  • I think that’s a good example of how he changed his behaviour, seeing the value in his own children, but they’d also got a father that they felt they could approach, that they could play with.
    — Caring Dads Group facilitator

Support our work

As passionate advocates, we constantly seek to start and shape the conversation around gender-based violence, while delivering services needed to keep individuals and families safe.

There are several ways for you to participate in our work and we are grateful for your support. Please use the buttons at right to either make a donation via Canada Helps, or to find out more about our history, staff, board, and volunteer opportunities.