
Being the Change Men’s Group

This 16 session program provides individuals with an opportunity to examine their beliefs and attitudes towards domestic abuse and to learn non abusive ways of resolving conflict. The group runs weekly for 2 hours per session. This program is on a sliding scale fee for service.


Group topics could include…

  • How to identify abusive behaviours

  • Tools to prevent abuse

  • Identifying the impact of abuse of partner and children

  • How to express feelings rather than acting them out

  • Respectful communication

  • Developing a support and safety plan




What happens when you call/come in?

An intake appointment will be arranged/scheduled with you. During your appointment expect to answer some personal questions that include details about why you want to attend the Changing Ways program.

Intake appointments range from 30-60 minutes in length. After a successful intake appointment, you will be assigned a group start date and time to attend weekly.


Court Mandated Men's Counselling (PAR) 

Our Men's Partner Assault Response (PAR) program, a component of Ontario’s Domestic Violence Court program, comprises specialized group educational/counselling services offered to people who have been mandated by the court to attend in response to a criminal charge involving domestic violence.

The 12 session program provides individuals with an opportunity to examine their beliefs and attitudes towards domestic abuse and to learn non abusive ways of resolving conflict. The group runs 2 hours per session and is offered at various times throughout the week. 


Group topics could include…

  • How to identify abusive behaviours

  • Tools to prevent abuse

  • Identifying the impact of abuse of partner and children

  • How to express feelings rather than acting them out

  • Respectful communication

  • Developing a support and safety plan




What happens when you are referred?

An intake appointment will be arranged/scheduled with you. During your appointment expect to answer some personal questions that include the choices you made that led to you being charged and mandated to attend.

Intake appointments range from 30-60 minutes in length. After a successful intake appointment, you will be assigned a group start date and time to attend weekly. This program is on a sliding scale fee for service.


Victim / Current Partner Contact

As clients are referred to the Men’s or Women’s Counselling Programs, specialized counsellors make contact with the victim of assault and/or the current partner of the client involved in the group counselling program.  

The victim or partner will be provided an opportunity to share their experiences with someone who will listen and support them in a way that reflects an understanding of the complexities of abuse and increases safety.

 Services are voluntary in nature and are generally provided over the phone and include risk assessment, safety planning, information sharing and referrals to ongoing community supports.


Programmes d’intervention auprès des partenaires violents (PIPV)

Les programmes d’intervention au près des partenaires violents (PIPV), un volet du Programme de tribunaux pour l’instruction des causes de violence conjugale de l’Ontario, sont des services spécialisés de counseling et d’éducation en groupe offerts par des organismes communautaires à des personnes ayant agresséleurs partenaires. Certains contrevenants reçoiven t l’ordre de participer au Programme IPV du tribunal. Les programmes IPV visent à améliorer la sécurité de la victimeet à encourager les contrevenants à assumer la responsabilité de leur conduite. Pour en savoir plus.

Le programme de 12 séances donne aux contrevenants la possibilité d’analyser leur scroyances et leurs attitudes à l’égard de la violence familiale, et d’apprendre des méthodes non abusives de résolution des conflits.

Pendant qu’un contrevenant participe au PIPV, le personnel offre à la victime de l’aider à planifiers a sécurité, l’orientevers des ressources communautaires et l’informe des progrès réalisés par le contrevenant.

Téléphone sans fraispelle: 
1 888 438 9869
