How We Work
Changing Ways supports men to stop their abusive behaviour in their relationships, and challenges them to take an active role in preventing woman abuse. The agency is a model in the larger community, working in partnership with others who are committed to ending violence against women.
The agency’s philosophy is that sexism is inherent in the power imbalance that contributes to violence against women. Gender systems continue to privilege and enable men to exercise control over women in their primary relationships. Changing Ways is committed, on all levels, to a feminist model in an effort to eradicate woman abuse, and to changing the value systems that perpetuate inequality.
Changing Ways (London) Inc. is a registered charitable organization at the Canada Revenue Agency - Registration Number: 130568371 RR0001.
Changing Ways is a safe, inclusive, and positive space, free from discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. We are active advocates striving to further access to culturally inclusive services with dignity and respect to both newcomers and the 2SLBTQIA+ community.
Our History
Changing Ways was started in 1982 as a result of a research project and two dedicated probation and parole officers efforts. The research recommended the development of a program for men as part of an integrated community response to violence against women. It became an incorporated not-for-profit social service agency in 1986, and was granted funding through the Ministries of Corrections and Community and Social Services and the United Way.
With ongoing statistical research proving the efficacy of the program in the significantly lower levels of both verbal and physical abuse, Changing Ways has, for more than three decades, contributed to the shift in attitudes and values surrounding woman abuse. The program has evolved in order to accommodate increased demands for service, and branched out with programs like Caring Dads.
Through public education and community leadership, Changing Ways has taken a leadership role in engaging men to take responsibility in their relationships, and to work in partnership with other violence against women organizations to create safe homes and safe communities.
In addition to kind community contributions via CanadaHelps, Changing Ways receives funding from two main sources, the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General and the United Way. We use this funding to create the greatest value for our clients. Our annual reports provide information on where funding comes from and how we turn that support into programming – and ultimately outcomes – for individuals and families affected by gender-based violence.
Board of Directors
Clara Madrenas - Chair
Kevin Heslop – Vice Chair
Kasindra Schewan - Secretary
Shannon Brothers - Director
Joe Henry - Director
Kyle Johnstone - Director
Dani Bartlett - Director
Julie Walsh - Director
Staff Team
Administration & Community Development:
Amiel Houghton - Executive Director
Rick Mulvaney - Director of Administration & Operations
Beata S. - Reception | Administrative Assistant
Denise E. - Part time Reception
Holly M: Community Engagement & Research
Men’s Programs:
Tim Smith - Manager: Men’s Violence Intervention Programs
Carina C. - Men’s Group Facilitator
Mason B. - Men’s Group Facilitator
Mary Ellen S. Men’s group Facilitator
Jillian C. - Men’s Group Facilitator
Mike M. - Men’s Group Facilitator
Ben S. - Men’s Group Facilitator
Coming Soon - Young Adults (18-24) IPV Case Manager
Women’s & 2SLGBTQIA+ Programs:
Michele Paddon - Manager: Women’s & 2SLGBTQIA+ Programs
Nic D. - Women’s Group Facilitator & Victim | Partner Contact
Rita G. - Victim | Partner Contact

Volunteers are an essential and valuable part of the success of Changing Ways.
If you ...
have a sensitivity and concern for issues of woman abuse
have a desire to help men learn accountability & responsibility for abuse
have a six month commitment availability
and are over the age of 18
and can fill one of these roles:
Men’s Group Co-Facilitator
Women’s Group Co-Facilitator
Board Governance
... then we want you to be part of our team!